Want to learn more?
Check out these publications, videos and graphics produced by the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading.

Letter From the Managing Director
Quarterly update and reflection by CGLR’s founder and leader, Ralph Smith.

Consolitdating The Win: GRL Week 2024 Report
GLR Week 2024 highlights, takeaways and acknowledgements.

The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Looks Forward (2023)
Brief outlining CGLR’s civic action and advocacy agenda, progress markers and policy priorities for 2023–26.

CGLR’s What’s Working Xchange: Story Summary (2023)
Community action stories about what GLR communities are doing to improve digital connectivity and/or promote learning-rich environments in the community.

Learning Loss Recovery Challenge, By the Numbers (2022)
Data snapshot of CGLR’s messaging and mobilization strategy to encourage and support community action to slow, stop and reverse pandemic-precipitated learning loss.

CGLR By the Numbers (2022)
Brief data snapshot providing current facts and figures about CGLR’s reach and impact.

What Mobilized Communities Must Do (2020)
Graphic highlighting what CGLR views as must-do actions to ensure early school success for children growing up in economically challenged families.

CGLR Brochure (2019)
Brochure providing an introduction to CGLR and how it mobilizes communities to ensure early school success for children growing up in economically challenged families.

Forewords From Recent CGLR Publications (2019)
Compilation of CGLR Managing Director Ralph Smith’s introductory remarks and reflections from Midpoint Snapshots, Toward Bigger Outcomes and Toward Closing the Gap(s).

Looking Forward 2019–2023: Local Funders Leading! (2019)
Brief describing the essential role that effective philanthropy plays in attaining and realizing the potential of early school success.

CGLR’s 2017–18 Listening Tour: A History of Listening (2018)
Brief describing the process, content and results of a practice hard-wired into CGLR’s DNA — listening to the people who are doing the work.

Toward Closing the Gap(s) (2017)
Report describing strategic shifts CGLR made as it entered a second phase in 2017, including highlights from research and data behind the framing along with conjectures about the path forward.

Midpoint Snapshots (2016)
Report examining CGLR at the midpoint of the decade-long commitment made in 2010, including early outcomes and insights and reflections on a growing body of research.

Toward Bigger Outcomes: Taking on the Health Determinants of Early School Success (2016)
Report outlining CGLR’s strategy for advancing healthy child development.

Grade-Level Reading Campaign: The Statistics (2015)
Video providing the data-based rationale for addressing early reading proficiency.

Early Reading Research Confirmed: A Research Update on the Importance of Third-Grade Reading (2013)
Report updating the 2010 Early Warning! Report with new and emerging findings.

Early Warning: Why Reading by the End of Third Grade Matters (2010)
Report providing the research rationale and call to action that launched CGLR.